
Train traffic between Luxembourg and Bettambourg is disrupted

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Trains in Luxembourg

Tomas Anton Escobar, Unsplash

At around 12:00 on Wednesday, train traffic in both directions came to a complete halt on the section between Luxembourg and Bettembourg. The CFL said the cause was a technical fault at a switch in the Bettembourg area.

To minimise inconvenience to passengers, the railway company promptly organised bus services that covered the entire route between Luxembourg and Bettembourg.

Rail traffic began to gradually recover by 13:30, but passengers on the Luxembourg - Esch - Rodange and Luxembourg - Thionville - Metz routes faced serious delays. At the beginning of the afternoon, the CFL warned that additional disruptions and flight cancellations were possible.

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We took photos from these sources: Tomas Anton Escobar, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr