
Luxembourg events for 19-21 April

Last time updated
Афиша Люксембурга на 15-21 апреля

Фото: duckrace.lu

The weekend of this week is full of charity events.

Eurovision Preview Night
April 19, 2024
De, Lu, Fr, En
Tonight is an important night in Luxembourg. A concert will be held in Bissen to celebrate the Grand Duchy's long-awaited return to Eurovision. Pop stars will perform on stage and clips from all the participating countries will be shown. All proceeds from the sale of food and drinks will be donated to the charity LUkraine.
Hal Frounert
10 Rue de la Laiterie, L-7783 Bissen
Book Fair
April 20–21, 2024
En, Fr, Lu
The annual used book sale is held at the Am Duerf Cultural Center. All proceeds are donated to charity. Book donations are not accepted at this time, but you can always sign up to donate.
Centre Culturel Am Duerf
1 Rue Henri Lamormesnil, L-1915 Luxembourg
Repair Cafe
April 20, 2024
Fr, En
Repair Cafe is a unique event where you can give your old things a second life. Here, masters from different fields will be able to repair small household appliances, furniture, toys and clothes..
5 Rue de l'Abattoir, L-1111 Luxembourg
Duck race
April 20, 2024
€5 for the duck
Lu, Fr, En
The 23rd Annual Duck Show begins this Saturday at noon. Entertainment booths and food vendors will open at that time. The race itself begins at 3 p.m., when thousands of rubber ducks will take to the waters of the Alzette River and race to the finish line. All proceeds will be donated to charity.
Parvis Neimënster, Abbaye de Neumünster
28 Rue Münster, L-2160 Luxembourg
€5 for the duck
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Last time updated

We took photos from these sources: Duckrace.lu

Authors: Aleksandr, Kadriia