Highlights of the week of August 7-13

Summer may be ending, but heat waves and the fires they cause aren't.
Disaster in Hawaii
The island of Maui is counting the victims. It's already safe to say that 93 people have died in the fire. Hundreds more are missing. The tragedy is already being called the worst natural disaster in the history of the islands.
The fires were most likely sparked by drought on the island. A steady, strong wind spread the flames quickly, covering a considerable area. The fire destroyed the town of Lahaina, destroying the historic center, tourist and commercial areas. According to aerial observations, even boats in the harbor have burned and sunk.
Refugees are now flocking to safe areas. Overnight shelter, food, water, and essential resources are being provided. Officials say the fire has been controlled but is not yet fully contained.
Artificial meats are losing popularity
The main goal of "fake" meat is to replace animal protein with vegetable protein, mimicking its taste, texture, and sometimes appearance. This will not only help solve the ethical problem of meat production but also provide the body with the necessary substances. At least that's what people thought.
However, Strong Roots found that while 61% of consumers are increasing the amount of plant-based foods in their diets, 40% are reducing or eliminating artificial meats. 47% said they didn't like the taste. Another 36% cited artificial additives, of which there are many in these products.
Nutritionists were not left out. They believe that artificial meat may be healthier and more nutritious than regular meat, but do not forget that its composition often includes dyes, stabilizers, palm oil, salt, and other additives that cannot be called valuable for the body.
Attitudes towards work have changed a lot in the last few years
We have already mentioned the phenomenon of "great resignation" in an earlier article. However, it is just one part of a larger phenomenon, which is that fewer and fewer people are willing to risk their health to hang on to their jobs.
The process began back in 2020-2021 when employees began a mass shift to remote work. Some processes became more complicated and some employers increased control, making work exhausting and unbearable.
There was also a loss of trust between an employer and an employee. This is especially true in large corporations, but other forms of business are not immune. The bottom line is that the employee began to feel like a consumable that could be easily and quickly replaced.
Employers, in turn, have stopped caring about their employees and trying to retain them. As a result, more and more people quit within the first year, sometimes even within the first month. Often the trigger is the attitude of the boss, toxicity in the team, or questionable demands or values promoted to the team.