
Highlights of the week of September 25 — October 1

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Highlights of the week of September 25 — October 1

Great Britain held the original championship, one of England's symbols was destroyed, and in Greece, sheep got high on marijuana.

World Stone Skimming Championship

Skimming, or stone throwing, can be a sport as well as a leisure activity. In Scotland, at least, it is taken quite seriously.

On one of the islands, Easdale, where slate has been mined for centuries, a lake has formed on the site of an old quarry. This is where the competitions take place. This year 350 people from many countries, including Australia, came to compete, according to the organizers.

The rules are very simple: each competitor has three attempts, and the stones must all be from Easdale slate. The winner is the one whose stone jumps the most but sinks inside the fenced area.

Legendary tree in England

A 16-year-old boy has cut down one of the most famous trees in England, if not the world. The white maple tree, which had grown there for centuries, was the victim of vandalism that "caused significant shock, sadness and anger throughout the local community and beyond," as the Northumbria Police said in a statement.

The teenager suspected of vandalizing the tree has been arrested and is in police custody. The young vandal's motives and intentions remain unclear.

The white maple was featured in the 1991 movie "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves." In 2016, the maple was named "English Tree of the Year" in a competition organized by the Woodland Trust.

Marijuana fan sheep

In Thessaly, Greece, a violent storm swept through the region a few days ago, flooding towns and pastures. Many livestock were killed and hundreds of people were evacuated.

The sheep that remained in the region searched the devastated plains for food and wandered onto a medical cannabis farm. The owner of the farm still doesn't know whether to laugh or cry: the long drought had damaged the crops, and the sheep had eaten what survived.

The incident was reported by a shepherd who noticed the strange behavior of the animals but could not understand what could have caused it.

Shrek's house in Scotland

Someone once told me... If you've ever dreamed of opening the toilet door to that song, now you can. Welcome to Scotland, where a special house has been built that is an exact replica of Shrek's home from the 2001 cartoon of the same name.

The Airbnb project is offering the chance to stay in the moorland hut from October 27 to 29. Registration will begin on October 15. The company itself guarantees that the opportunity to stay here will not be drawn according to the rules of the contest, but reminded about the right of the live queue. And there definitely will be a queue — living in a fairy house is free!

With this gesture, Airbnb wants to pay tribute to the shelter that the house on the swamp has become for many characters from the legendary cartoon.

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We took photos from these sources: a flock of sheep in a meadow, a sheep looking at the camera.

Authors: Aleksandr, Kadriia

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