The highest salaries in Luxembourg are not in the capital

Statec keeps track of average salaries across the country. And the highest figures can be found in the municipality of Niederanven. The average salary here is 12,645 euros, and the middle salary is 6,659 euros.
Actual differences are larger: 90% of the inhabitants receive more than 2,234 euros per month for their work. Only 10% receive more than 21,875 euros. This explains the high average wage rate.
This is a characteristic of the municipalities around Luxembourg. Many multinational companies are based here. The financial sector is active. At the same time, the population is much smaller than in the capital. This allows the average rate to reach such heights.
The situation is quite different in Wiltz, which comes last in the Statec ranking. Here, the average salary is only 4,072 euros, and the median is 3,167 euros. In other words, half of the population of the commune earns less than this amount of money.
Salaries in Luxembourg vary by region and sector, according to Statec. Luxembourg City region is known as the financial hub. It offers the highest salaries due to the financial institutions, international companies and European organisations. Skilled professionals can find good opportunities in these sectors.
In contrast, salaries are comparatively lower in the rural areas of the north and communities in the southwest. Contributing to this disparity are limited employment opportunities and less economic diversification. Wage levels are also influenced by specific industries in certain local authorities. Compared to others, sectors such as finance, technology and professional services offer higher salaries.
Salary differences are also influenced by employee qualifications and experience. Higher salaries are paid for specialised roles that require technical expertise or extensive experience. Overall, the influence of sectors, regions and individual skills is reflected in Luxembourg's salary landscape.