
Learn the language: how the government plans to integrate refugees

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Изучение Люксембургского языка

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Luxembourg's Minister of Family, Solidarity and Integration, Max Hahn, presented an initiative aimed at improving the integration and employment of refugees. For this purpose, an inter-ministerial platform has been created that brings together the efforts of key ministries and agencies such as the Ministry of Family, Labour, Interior, Education, the National Office for Reception (ONA) and the Employment Development Agency (ADEM).

The main objective of the platform is to develop a unified approach to the professional integration of refugees. This approach aims at improving their employment opportunities, coordinating the efforts of all actors involved in the process and promoting the values of cohabitation in Luxembourg society.

Particular attention is being paid to the development of language courses and co-habitation training programmes. These educational initiatives will be key tools to support both refugees and people with temporary or international protection status. For the time being, the details of the programme remain under discussion.

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Authors: Aleksandr