
Luxembourg may have a law on music education

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musical education in Luxembourg

Marius Masalar, Unslash

The Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, has announced that the first phase of the evaluation of the 2022 music education law has been completed. Data on pupil numbers and registrations have already been analysed, and work is now underway to assess the working conditions of teachers.

Municipalities and inter-communal syndicates must provide the requested information by the beginning of March. The data is collected through a circular letter signed by the Minister of Interior and the Minister of Education. Once the information has been processed, this stage of the analysis will also be finalised.

The government deliberately waited until the end of the second school year (2023-2024) after the law came into force to get a full picture of its effectiveness. In October 2024, public funding was distributed to municipalities, after which SYVICOL (Union of Luxembourg Cities and Communes) discussed with the government commissioner the details of the evaluation and the timeline for its implementation.

The results of the study will be presented to the Chamber of Deputies in May-June 2025. It is expected that the report will reflect the impact of the reform on the accessibility of music education, as well as show how much the working conditions of teachers have changed.

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We took photos from these sources: Marius Masalar, Unslash

Authors: Aleksandr