One in three internet users in the EU has participated in online learning in the last three months

Kateryna Hliznitsova, Unsplash
According to data for 2024, one in three internet users in the European Union (33%) has participated in online learning in the last three months. This is an increase of 3 percentage points compared to 30 per cent in 2023.
Ireland ranked first in terms of the percentage of users participating in online learning with an impressive 61%. It was followed by the Netherlands (59%) and Finland (53%). Meanwhile, the lowest figures were recorded in Romania (10%), Cyprus (11%) and Bulgaria (17%).
A closer look at online learning methods reveals that 18% of internet users in 2024 have taken an online course. This format was most popular in Ireland (36%), Finland and Spain (32% each). In addition, 29% of users have used online learning materials. The Netherlands (53%), Ireland (52%) and Finland (46%) were the leaders in this category.