
Official status for trainee doctors: Luxembourg structures clinical training

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Doctor in Luxembourg

Source: Artur Tumasjan, Unsplash

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection (M3S), the Ministry of Research and Higher Education (MESR), and the Association of Doctors in Specialisation (ALMEVS), supported by the OGBL trade union, have reached an agreement to create a new legal status for doctors in clinical training in Luxembourg (MEVS).

The move is being implemented as part of the 2023-2028 coalition agreement and aims to formalise and improve the training environment for specialist doctors.

A unified legal framework is being created with common rights and obligations for all trainee doctors working in clinics. This will make it possible to unify the conditions of internships and supplement the existing norms of the Labour Code. One of the key elements will be a model contract, which will be mandatory for all clinical internships.

The new status will be discussed with the leading structures of the sector: the Medical College, the Federation of Hospitals of Luxembourg (FHL), the Association of Doctors and Dentists (AMMD), the Circle of General Practitioners (CMG) and the University of Luxembourg. Implementation will be monitored by a special committee made up of representatives of the ministries and all stakeholders.

Minister Martine Deprez (Martine Deprez) emphasises: "This is a step towards a more equitable, transparent and sustainable medical education, strengthening the attractiveness of the health system." Minister Stéphanie Obertin adds that the new status will also strengthen the three existing specialities - general medicine, neurology and oncology - and prepare the ground for the launch of new areas such as paediatrics and psychiatry.

ALMEVS president Dr Tom Schlüter described the reform as "unprecedented progress" that will provide a long-term improvement in the clinical training environment.

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We took photos from these sources: Artur Tumasjan, Unsplash

Authors: Alex