
There will be six new pharmacies in Luxembourg

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Farmacy in Luxembourg

National Cancer Institute

The Luxembourg Ministry of Health has officially authorised the opening of six new pharmacies. They will appear in Strassen, Rood-sur-Syre, Weiswampach, Clémency, Schengen and Helperknapp. Interested parties can apply now, but specific opening dates are not yet known.

These changes come against the backdrop of a broad reform of the pharmacy sector. The pharmacists' union will soon hold talks with the government to review the role of pharmacies in disease prevention, including vaccination.

Today, Luxembourg has a quota system for opening pharmacies, but pharmacists are in favour of abolishing it in order to increase the population's access to medicines and health services.

There are now 102 pharmacies nationwide, and this expansion could improve access to care, especially in smaller communities.

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We took photos from these sources: National Cancer Institute

Authors: Aleksandr