
816 cases of drug-fuelled rape in Luxembourg

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Rape rates in Luxembourg

engin akyurt, Unsplash

According to the joint response of the Minister of the Interior Léon Gloden, the Minister of Justice Elisabeth Margue and the Minister for Equality and Diversity Yuriko Backes to parliamentary enquiry No. 1823, 816 cases of rape have been registered in Luxembourg in the last 5 years.

The statistics for rape cases (article 375 of the Criminal Code) are as follows: 136 cases in 2020, 139 in 2021, 168 in 2022, 191 in 2023 and 182 in 2024. These figures include cases registered at the prosecutor's offices of Dikrech and Luxembourg.

Although the use of C.O.s (drugs to subdue the victim) is regularly mentioned in police investigations, it has not been proven in any case in Luxembourg. This is due to the rapid elimination of these substances from the body - they remain in the blood and urine for only a few hours. In addition, in many cases the victims had consumed alcohol and could not remember the events accurately, making it difficult to gather evidence.

According to the Minister of Justice, Elisabeth Marg, the JUCHA database (used by the Luxembourg judicial authorities) does not record the specific use of C.O.s, as this is not considered an aggravating circumstance, but a factual element of the case. Thus, statistics on such offences are not available.

Luxembourg has a National Action Plan against Gender-Based Violence, which will be expanded to take into account the use of C.O.V. tools. The plan includes training, improved legislation, statistics and support for victims of violence.

In addition, during the first Assizes on Gender-Based Violence, held on 20 January 2025, it was decided to strengthen measures to combat new forms of violence related to the use of chemicals and digital technologies. Particular attention will be paid to the accountability and punishment of owners of online platforms where such practices may be discussed or disseminated.

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We took photos from these sources: engin akyurt, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr