
Émilie Dequenne has died

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Mourning in Luxembourg

Pablo Merchán Montes, Unsplash

March 16, 2025 at the age of 43 years passed away Belgian actress Émilie Dequenne - talented and bright, she left a significant mark in European and world cinema.

Émilie was born on 29 August 1981 in Beleuil, Hainaut, Belgium. From an early age, she showed an interest in the stage, studying diction and acting, and in her teens began performing at Théâtre La Relève.

She became widely known for her role in the drama "Rosetta" (1999) by the Dardenne brothers. The film won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, and Émilie herself - the prize for Best Actress. She later starred in "Brotherhood of the Wolf" (2001), "Partner" (2004), as well as in a number of author and festival projects, including the drama "After Love" (2012), for which she received international critical acclaim and a number of awards.

In recent years, Émilie battled a rare and aggressive type of cancer - adrenocortical cancer. Despite a period of remission, the disease returned and the actress passed away after a long and hard struggle.

Émilie is survived by a daughter, Mia.

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We took photos from these sources: Pablo Merchán Montes, Unsplash

Authors: Alex