Security and law

How safe is Luxembourg

In this article, we will go through all risks that can evoke during your stay in the country and will take a look at the safest neigborhoods in Luxembourg.

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Luxembourg is a small, landlocked country known for its picturesque towns, lush green valleys, and rich cultural heritage. It is also one of the safest countries in the world, it ranks 15th in the index of personal security in the Global Residence Index and has a reputation for being a peaceful and secure place to live and visit. In this article, we will explore how safe Luxembourg is and what measures are in place to ensure its citizens' and visitors' safety and security.

How safe is life in Luxembourg globally?

When assessing a country’s safety, it is important to consider various risk factors that could potentially harm individuals or the community as a whole. In this section, we will evaluate the different types of risks that exist in Luxembourg, ranging from political risks to risks related to natural disasters, personal safety, and fraud.

We will classify these risks into 4 main categories: non-significant risks, low-level risks, medium-level risks, and high-level risks, to provide a comprehensive overview of the safety landscape in Luxembourg.

Non-significant risks

While there are many benefits to living in the country, there are two main types of low-level risks to consider. These risks may not be of immediate concern, but it's important to be aware of them when making your decision.

Political risk
Risk of death from war and conflicts

Low-level risks

There are 5 main types of low risk. This means that the probability of the event occurring is higher, but still low for Luxembourg compared to other countries.

Personal safety risk
Property offenses risk
Homicide risk
Kidnapping and abduction risk
Risk of natural disasters

Medium-level risks

The main medium level risk in Luxembourg is road accident and traffic-related dangers. The annual death rate in the country as a result of road accidents includes deaths related to motor vehicles (drivers and passengers), motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

Road accidents risk

Examining the data in Our World in Data from the year 1990 to 2019 is possible to see that the death rate (per 100,000 people) has been constantly decreasing from 20.09 in 1990 to 5.56 in 2019.

The mortality rate as a result of road accidents has decreased by 72% since 1990 in Luxembourg.

This reduction in mortality rates is mainly attributed to several factors such as 

  • improved road infrastructure,
  • increased awareness of traffic laws and safety measures,
  • advancements in automobile technology,
  • better emergency medical care.

High-level risks

According to the auditor PWC, as recently as 2019, one in three Luxembourgers was a victim of fraudulent scheme or a scam. This is better than the European average, where 42% of respondents have been scammed one way or another, but it is still very high.

The most common schemes in Luxembourg are telephone fraud, phishing, spam, and domain fraud. The elderly are often viewed as vulnerable targets due to the assumption that they possess larger amounts of money and may be more susceptible to fraudulent schemes. Even when it is true, people of any age still can fall into the tricks.

Read more about how to protect yourself from scammers and not become a victim of their schemes in our special article — How to protect yourself from scammers in Luxembourg.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Luxembourg a safe place to live and visit?

Are there any areas in Luxembourg that should be avoided due to safety concerns?

How Luxembourg government improves security?

What are the best and safest neighbourhoods to stay or live in Luxembourg City?

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