
How to verify higher education documents

Not all academic and professional qualifications are automatically recognized in Luxembourg. In this article we will discover how to verify higher education documents.

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Not all academic and professional qualifications are automatically recognized in Luxembourg. This is only the case for diplomas issued in Belgium and the Netherlands.

If I received my diploma in Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries

Your university diploma must be registered in the diploma register. It can be found in your personal account on the website, in the "How to pay" section.


  • The diploma certifies graduation from an institution of higher education;
  • The diploma conforms to the laws and regulations of the country of origin.

How much does it cost?

There is a fee: 75 euros for each diploma.

How to pay

Either online or by sending a package of documents by mail.


Submit the application form on Payment by credit card.

By mail

You will need a bank statement. Tax will be paid by invoice:

IBAN: LU80 0019 5955 4435 5000


Name of the beneficiary: Administration de l’enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA

Message: Taxe reconnaissance des diplômes, MESR. This message should also include the name of the applicant, the date of application.

If the registration is refused, the tax will not be refunded.

What to do next

Now you need to prepare an application form and collect documents:

  • A written request (application form) stating the reason for the request;
  • A copy of the diploma for registration in the certificate registry;
  • A copy of the certificate or diploma supplement;
  • Professional and academic curriculum vitae. This should be an official document certified by the institute. It is necessary to list all the sciences studied during the whole period.
  • A copy of an identity document.
  • Proof of fee payment.
  • Copy of residence permit.

The documents to be submitted must be translated into Luxembourgish, French, German or English, stamped and signed by a sworn translator.

The translator's stamp must be affixed partly to the translation and partly to the document itself. Every document must be signed by the translator.

If there is no stamp, the application must be accompanied by a document certifying the translator's sworn status. This is a copy of the translator's certificate of registration in the List of Experts, Translators and Interpreters.

Where to apply


The application for registration in the certificate registry is made on the website. It does not require LuxTrust (smart card, token, etc.) or electronic ID (eID).

Once the application is submitted, all communications / notifications will be sent to your email address.

By post

The application and the application package should be sent to:

Ministère de l’Enseignement superieur et de la Recherche

18-20, montée de la Pétrusse

L-2327 Luxembourg

Processing time for applications

You will receive a reply within 4-6 weeks from the date of receipt by the Ministry of Higher Education.

The decision on the recognition of the diploma is sent by mail in the form of an order from the Minister of Education. Wait for it by mail, not by e-mail.

What you can do if you receive a rejection

You can appeal against the administrative decision. Ways to appeal: non-contentious appeal, judicial appeal.

You can also appeal to the Ombudsman.

If you need copies of documents

A copy of a ministerial decree costs 10 euros.

Requests for duplicates should be sent by post or e-mail to the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche). Please attach the following documents to the letter

  • Proof of payment of the fee;
  • Copy of your identity card.
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