Your university diploma must be registered in the diploma register. It can be found in your personal account on the website, in the "How to pay" section.
There is a fee: 75 euros for each diploma.
Either online or by sending a package of documents by mail.
Submit the application form on Payment by credit card.
If the registration is refused, the tax will not be refunded.
Now you need to prepare an application form and collect documents:
The documents to be submitted must be translated into Luxembourgish, French, German or English, stamped and signed by a sworn translator.
The translator's stamp must be affixed partly to the translation and partly to the document itself. Every document must be signed by the translator.
If there is no stamp, the application must be accompanied by a document certifying the translator's sworn status. This is a copy of the translator's certificate of registration in the List of Experts, Translators and Interpreters.
You will receive a reply within 4-6 weeks from the date of receipt by the Ministry of Higher Education.
The decision on the recognition of the diploma is sent by mail in the form of an order from the Minister of Education. Wait for it by mail, not by e-mail.
You can appeal against the administrative decision. Ways to appeal: non-contentious appeal, judicial appeal.
You can also appeal to the Ombudsman.
A copy of a ministerial decree costs 10 euros.
Requests for duplicates should be sent by post or e-mail to the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche). Please attach the following documents to the letter