Jobs in Luxembourg for US citizens and Americans living in Luxembourg
Whether you're a US citizen considering a move to Luxembourg for work or you're already living in the country and looking for job opportunities, this article is tailored for you. We'll uncover essential information about the job market in Luxembourg, covering everything from visa requirements to the most popular jobs in Luxembourg for US citizens.
US nationals are well-represented in Luxembourg. Although the absolute numbers might not be large, the 2,144 American citizens living in the country place the United States in the 21st position among the most represented nationalities, and second in the Americas, after Brazil.
American population in Luxembourg in 2025
The United States is among the countries with the highest number of emigrants. In 2020, 2,996,223 US citizens were living abroad, representing about 0.9% of the US population. However, Luxembourg is not a primary destination for American expatriates. The number of US citizens living in Luxembourg is relatively small in absolute terms but more significant when viewed in a relative context. Below we will see how many US citizens live in Luxembourg, what the immigration patterns are like and how this immigration compares with other nationalities.
US population in Luxembourg
As of January 1, 2023, there were 2,144 Americans living in Luxembourg. Unlike many nationalities that have shown a generally increasing pattern over recent years, the American population in Luxembourg has remained relatively stable, hovering around 2,150 individuals, with minor fluctuations year by year.
Annual immigration and reasons for moving to Luxembourg
From 2010 to 2012, there was a significant increase in Americans living in Luxembourg, rising from 220 immigrants in 2010 to 557 in 2012. From 2013 to 2019, immigration levels remained relatively constant, averaging around 600 people annually, with some variations. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a drastic reduction in immigration, which has not fully recovered since then, with only 344 new immigrants in 2022.
Historically, the main reasons for immigration to Luxembourg have been fairly evenly distributed among work, education, and family reunification. However, since 2020, likely due to the pandemic, the number of immigrants for educational purposes has dropped significantly.
In contrast, those immigrating for work and family reasons have decreased but to a lesser extent. In 2022, 173 people immigrated for family reasons, 148 for work, and only 21 for educational purposes, with an additional 2 individuals citing other reasons.

With 2,144 American citizens, the US ranks as the 21st most represented nationality in Luxembourg. These US citizens constitute about 0.32% of Luxembourg's total population and 0.68% of the foreign population.

An important aspect to consider and which undoubtedly favors immigration is the fact that U.S. citizens do not need a visa to visit Luxembourg and in general any country in the Schengen area for less than 90 days. However, it is also important to note that a visa is required to work.
Is the English language widely used in Luxembourg?
An important aspect to consider when moving to Luxembourg is the use of the English language. Since English is not one of the official languages of the country, many might wonder if it is possible to live and work in Luxembourg using only English. Let's shed some light on this matter by looking at statistical data from a study conducted by the State Department of Statistics in 2021.
Luxembourgish stands out as the primary language. Surprisingly, Portuguese appears in second place, ahead of French and German. This is less surprising when considering that Portuguese nationals made up 13.94% of the population in 2023. Following Portuguese, French is in third place, and English is in fourth position.

The fact that English ranks fourth, even after German, can be explained by the significant number of immigrants in the country. Luxembourg has a multicultural history and an exceptional population context, with nearly 50% of the residents being foreigners. A substantial portion of these immigrants comes from English-speaking countries like India and the United Kingdom in addition to the United States.
A quarter of the people speak English exclusively at work or school, 11% use it both at home and work and 2% speak it only at home. This data underscores the significance of English, particularly in the professional environment, making it highly feasible for US citizens to work in Luxembourg using English.
However, it is important to note that the prevalent use of English in the workplace can depend on the type of job. Certain industries and multinational companies are more likely to use English as the primary language of communication, making the transition smoother for English-speaking immigrants.
Working as an English teacher in Luxembourg
One of the most obvious jobs that comes to mind when it comes to working in Luxembourg for English speakers is that of an English teacher. If you would like to know more about this profession in Luxembourg, we recommend that you take a look at our dedicated article.
Can an American get a job in Luxembourg?
We've seen how work-related reasons, along with family reasons, are currently the primary drivers of immigration to Luxembourg. We've also observed the predominant use of English in the workplace. Now, let's explore the types of jobs that are popular among US citizens coming to work in Luxembourg.
What jobs are popular among US citizens coming to work?
Finding specific statistics on the most common professions for US citizens in Luxembourg is challenging. However, studies provide some insight into this topic, allowing us to form a reasonable understanding.
Statistics say
One such study is the General Population Census of November 8, 2021, which offers information on employment sectors by the country where studies were completed. While it doesn't provide specific data for the United States, it groups the US with Oceania and the United Kingdom. This grouping reveals that the most represented sectors are finance and insurance (23.9%), public administration (22.7%), and specialized activities (20.5%).
Here are five professions highly suitable for US citizens in Luxembourg in these sectors.

How much can you earn in Luxembourg?
An interesting point to take into account is the salaries, the average salary in Luxembourg was in 2022 according to ILO data at 7417.7 dollars while the average salary in the United States was 4844.6 dollars. In addition to the high average salary Luxembourg also has a high minimum wage, to learn more about this point we recommend our article on the Highest salaries in Europe.
As far as taxes are concerned it is very difficult to compare with a few lines of text, a starting point can be to take the income tax and compare it according to the tax on the highest tax bracket, at this point Luxembourg does not come out very well with a tax of 45.8% versus 37% for the United States. However, this is only a very simplistic comparison and omits many factors that must be taken into account for a truly accurate analysis.
Unskilled jobs in Luxembourg for US citizens
In addition to highly skilled professions, there are also unskilled job opportunities in Luxembourg that may be suitable for US citizens. Here are five such functions in various industries that also do not require customer contact and do not require a lot of communication. Although the majority of the population speaks English as a second or third language, these jobs make things even easier if you're afraid of running into people who don't speak English.

An important aspect to consider is that although these are unskilled jobs, the wages are considerably good compared to unskilled wages in other countries. Luxembourg boasts one of the highest minimum wages in Europe. The minimum wage in Luxembourg for unskilled workers is 2,570.93 euros per month, making these positions financially attractive for US citizens considering a move to Luxembourg.
Most in-demand workers in Luxembourg (2024)
Finally, let's explore some of the most sought-after positions in Luxembourg, providing valuable insights for job seekers in the region. Based on sectoral studies from the Ministry of Labour (MT) and the Employment Development Agency (ADEM), here are the key roles across various sectors.
In the transportation and logistics sector, taxi drivers and private public transport drivers are in high demand. Within healthcare, nurses are sought after. Financially, fund managers/UCITS managers are in demand. In the IT sector, programmers are highly sought after, while in the industrial sector, engineers and versatile or low-skilled production operators are in demand.
Finding jobs in Luxembourg for US citizens
In addition to knowing the most in-demand positions or those most commonly held by US citizens, it's essential to understand how to effectively find a job in Luxembourg. Here are some key points to consider:

Before starting your job search, it's crucial to understand the labor market in Luxembourg. Investigate growing industries, companies that hire foreigners, and the most sought-after positions. The finance, technology, logistics, and professional services sectors are particularly strong.
Luxembourg jobs guidance and details
At this point, we recommend that you take a look at our Luxembourg job articles, which cover various industry sectors and give you a deeper insight into the Luxembourg labor market.

Explore whether your current employer has a presence in Luxembourg or if your plans to move to Luxembourg are in the medium term, look for jobs in the U.S. with multinational companies that have a presence in Luxembourg. Many multinationals have offices in Luxembourg and may have internal mobility policies that facilitate relocation.

Leveraging your network is one of the most effective ways to find a job. Reach out to friends, former classmates, or colleagues living in Luxembourg for advice and potential connections. Use LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your field, even if you don't know them personally. Introduce yourself clearly, explain why you’re reaching out, and expand your network by joining professional organizations or attending industry events.

Although English is widely used in many sectors, knowing one of the local languages can be a significant advantage and open up more job opportunities.

Ensure your resume and cover letter are adapted to the European style. Highlight your international experience and emphasize your native English skills, which many companies value.

Check out our dedicated article for detailed guidance on crafting an appropriate CV. You can also use the Europass CV template and the interactive tools on the dedicated EU site.

If your field requires specific certifications, make sure to obtain them. This is especially important in finance and technology sectors.

Research common interview practices in Luxembourg. Be ready to discuss your international experience and how your skills and knowledge can benefit the company.
Work visa for US citizens in Luxembourg
Now, let's explore the aspects related to visas. It’s important to note that US citizens do not need a visa to visit Luxembourg or any other Schengen Area country for less than 90 days. However, working during these visits is not permitted. To work in Luxembourg, you must apply for a residence permit as a worker. Here are the steps to follow:

First, you need to find a job in Luxembourg and have a signed employment contract.

Your employer in Luxembourg must obtain and give you the original certificate from the Agency for the Development of Employment (ADEM), authorizing them to hire a non-EU citizen.

This application must be submitted on paper from the United States at the Luxembourg Embassy.
Luxembourg Embassy
- Phone: (+1) 20 22 65 41 71
- Website: washington.mae.lu
The application should include:
- A copy of your passport
- A criminal record extract or an affidavit from your country of residence
- A curriculum vitae (CV)
- Copies of diplomas or professional qualifications
- A signed employment contract
- The original certificate from ADEM

Once your temporary residence permit is approved, you can move to Luxembourg.

Within 3 days of arriving in Luxembourg, you must make a declaration of arrival at the municipality where you will reside.

You must undergo a medical examination as soon as possible, which includes a general medical exam by a doctor in Luxembourg and a tuberculosis test conducted by a medical laboratory.

Within 3 months of arrival, you must apply for a residence permit from the Directorate of Immigration of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. This can be done online via MyGuichet.lu or by sending the application form by mail to the Ministry.
Work visa in Luxembourg
Although you won't need a visa as a US citizen, you will need to complete the steps mentioned above. For more detailed information on the procedure to work in Luxembourg, refer to our dedicated article.
Luxembourg offers a vibrant and diverse job market, making it an attractive destination for US citizens seeking new career opportunities. With a high demand for both skilled and unskilled workers, as well as a strong presence of English in the workplace, the country presents a welcoming environment for American professionals. However, in order to move to Luxembourg successfully, it is necessary to understand the visa process, research the job market, take advantage of networking and follow the tips we have mentioned.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do I need to speak French, German, or Luxembourgish to work in Luxembourg?
What are the visa requirements for US citizens working in Luxembourg?
Are there specific industries in Luxembourg that hire more US citizens?
Source: datosmacro.expansion.com, ec.europa.eu, lustat.statec.lu, datosmacro.expansion.com, statistiques.public.lu, statistiques.public.lu, taxsummaries.pwc.com, taxsummaries.pwc.com, taxfoundation.org, rshiny.ilo.org, adem.public.lu, washington.mae.lu
We took photos from these sources: statistiques.lu, Josh Johnson on Unsplash