
School holidays for kids in Luxembourg

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The school holidays are a time to look forward to, not only for children but also for their parents. In Luxembourg, the school holidays offer children the opportunity to take a break from their studies, enjoy various activities and spend time with family and friends.

Schooling in Luxembourg is divided into several stages: primary education (École primaire for kids ages 6 to 12) and secondary education (Lycée Secondaire for kids ages 13-19 years old). Despite this division, the students have the same holiday dates.

To understand the Luxembourg education system better, read our detailed article in the Knowledge Library:

Luxembourg schools: how does the school education system work

Vacances dates for kids in Luxembourg

As well as holidays and official bank holidays, which the whole family can enjoy, school students have holidays. These take place every season and are usually about a week or two, except for the long summer holidays.

Kid's school breaks overview in Luxembourg

Summer and winter holidays are the longest-awaited holidays for children. The summer break begins in July and lasts for about two months. During this period, pupils can travel with their families, attend activities and relax in nature.

Read more about Luxembourg’s national holidays, bank holidays and traditions in our special dedicated article — Luxembourg national holidays: bank holidays and traditions.

The winter break is in December and January and also lasts for about two weeks. During this time, children can enjoy the festive atmosphere, visit Christmas fairs and spend time skiing or skating.

Overall, children study for around 300 days a year. Besides vacations, there are also some bank holidays and national celebration days, when kids do not go to school. Here is an overview of the officially established school holidays and breaks in Luxembourgofficially established school holidays and breaks in Luxembourg for the years 2023-2025.

School holidays2022-2023 school year2023-2024 school year2024-2025 the school year
School year duration302 days304 days302 days
All Saints Day holidaysOctober 29 – November 6October 28 – November 5October 26 – November 3
Christmas holidaysDecember 24 – January 8December 23 – January 7December 21 – January 5
Carnival holidays11 February 11 – 19 February 19February 10 – February 18February 15 – February 23
Easter holidaysApril 1 – April 16March 30 – April 14April 5 – April 21
Labour DayMay 1May 1May 1
Public holiday on Europe DayMay 9May 9May 9
Public holiday on Ascension DayMay 18May 9May 29
Whit MondayMay 2920 MayJune 9
Pentecost holidaysMay 27 – June 4May 25 – June 2May 29 – June 1
Public holiday of Grand Duke's birthdayJune 23June 23June 23
Summer holidaysJuly 15 – September 14July 16 – September 15July 16 – September 14

Activities and entertainment for children during the holidays

During the school holidays in Luxembourg, children are offered a wide range of activities and events to make their holidays interesting and memorable. The choice of program usually depends on the school. You also often have to register for these activities in advance, during the school year.

Many schools organize various guided tours for pupils during the holidays, including visits to museums, theatres, amusement parks and other attractions.

There is a lot to choose from in Luxembourg, read all about cultural centers and museums in our special dedicated article about the main interesting places to visit in search of art.

Of course, there is always an option of after-school care (maison relais) for children of working parents: many of them are open during school vacations, and offer services. Keep in mind, that for this type of out-of-school activity, limitations for attendance, such as parental employment, apply.

In addition to the schools, the municipalities also organize activities for children during the summer holidays. These are called Spillnometteger.

Scout associations in Luxembourg

In Luxembourg, children and young people can become scouts through various scout associations. They offer a range of programs and activities aimed at promoting personal development, teamwork, outdoor skills and community involvement.

Scouting activities in Luxembourg usually include outdoor adventures, camping, hiking, learning survival skills, community service and developing leadership qualities. Scouts also take part in team-building exercises, environmental initiatives, cultural exchanges and international scouting events.

Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten

LGS Facebook page
LGS Facebook page

Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten (LGS) is a youth organization in Luxembourg that provides scouting activities for children and young people. LGS offers a wide range of activities including camping, hiking, team-building exercises, crafts and community service projects. These activities are designed to promote personal development, leadership skills and a sense of responsibility among participants.

The organization has groups for children of different ages. The Beaver Group is for children aged 6-8, the Wolf Group is for children aged 8-11, the AvEx Group is for children aged 11-14, the CaraPio Group is for children aged 14-17 and the RaRo Group is for young adults aged 17-23.

Their headquarters are located in Bridel commune of Luxembourg. You can visit their website to find out more about them and sign up for their programs.

Scouts of Red Cross Luxembourg

Red Cross Luxembourgeoise Facebook Page
Red Cross Luxembourgeoise Facebook Page

The organization offers a diverse array of activities tailored to promote personal development, first aid training, social engagement, and community service. Whether you're seeking thrilling outdoor adventures, insightful workshops, memorable camps, or the chance to participate in local and international projects, they have something for everyone.

The Red Cross Youth provides a place for young people aged 15 and up. Through offered activities, they aim to foster leadership skills, teamwork, and a sense of global citizenship.

To become a part of the Red Cross Scouts, you can visit the website, where you'll find all the necessary information and steps to join.

FNEL, Fédération Nationale des Eclaireurs du Luxembourg

FNEL website
FNEL website

FNEL offers many opportunities for young people: from outdoor activities that bring people together to community projects influencing the way things work. It is a great place for young leaders and people who care.

There are 30 branches of the FNEL in different communes all across the Grand Duchy. To become a member you need to contact a group near you and apply.

There are several groups for children of different ages, FNEL accepts children from 6 years old. Furthermore, this organization is a part of the global WOSM volunteering group, and they provide possibilities for international volunteering.

Children's summer camps in Luxembourg

Summer camps and programs are very popular in Luxembourg, allowing children to spend time with their peers doing activities, playing games and taking part in interesting projects whilst their parents continue to work. The organizations usually take care of the child all day or part of the day.

There are free camps in Luxembourg as well as programs that can cost an impressive amount of money and even include trips to other countries and various learning activities.

To see a list of camps and leisure programs available for children in different municipalities during the holidays, visit the Colonies website. You can also register or join a waiting list for the most popular activities. Prices vary according to the type of activity and the age of the children.

Caritas Jeunes et Famille

Young Caritas website
Young Caritas website

This organization provides a platform for young people aged 8 to 17 to get involved and make a positive impact on society. During school holidays, children in Luxembourg within this age range can participate in outdoor activities, community service, and adventurous quests.

The age restrictions for each program may vary, with individual age limits specified to ensure appropriate participation.

While most programs and events are free, it's important to note that there may be multi-day programs that require a fee of around 400 euros.

Little Lions Summer Camp

Little Lions Website
Little Lions Website

Little Lions Summer Camp offers a variety of activities for children during school holidays. The goal of the camp is to provide a safe and fun environment where children can learn and grow: a wide range of activities including sports, arts and crafts, field trips, and more.

The camp is open to children aged 3 to 12 years old, providing age-appropriate activities and adventures. It operates from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The staff here speaks four languages — English, French, German and Luxembourgish.

You can enroll in the camp, by visiting the website and filling out the registration form, by clicking «Book now».

The cost of participation in the camp starts from 55 euros per day. This fee covers the various activities, supervision, and any necessary materials or resources.

Vacation camps with language studying in Luxembourg

There are various language learning programs available during school holidays for children who are interested in expanding their language skills. These programs provide children with opportunities to have fun, improve their skills, and discover new linguistic interests.

Language Camp of Berlitz

Skylar Zilka, Unsplash
Skylar Zilka, Unsplash

Address: Lutzhausen, Luxembourg City, Parc Hosingen, and Schengen

Phone: (+352) 26 38 3248


Berlitz Language Camp is a great way for kids and teens to learn a new language while having fun. The camps offer a variety of activities and sports, as well as language instruction from native speakers. During summer holidays children can learn French, English and German.

The camp is designed for children from 7 to 17 years old. Usually, the programs for camps last for about a week, depending on the program. All camps take place in July and August, and some of them even include water sports activities!

To register you need to contact Berlitz directly by filling out a contact form on the website.

Holiday camp Kids & Teens InLingua

Robo Wunderkind, Unsplash
Robo Wunderkind, Unsplash

The language training programs at InLingua are designed to be flexible and tailored to individual needs. During school holidays children can fully immerse in their target language and improve their language skills. InLigua offers courses in English, German, French and Luxembourgish.

Children from 8 to 17 years old are welcome to join Gamification courses during the summer holidays. Small groups of 6 people and fun language-learning techniques will be great for vacation studies! The main objective of the classes is stimulation of the speech skills.

Classes run from 9 or 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Camps usually take place during the autumn holidays and summer holidays. Prices for this language camp in Luxembourg range from 229 euros to 344 euros depending on hours.

To register you need to request a registration form via email at or by filling out a contact form on the website.

Sports camps and activities for children

There are a number of programs and activities in Luxembourg for children who are interested in sports and other leisure activities during their holidays. These programs aim to give children the opportunity to stay active, develop their skills and explore new interests.


Nadim Merrikh, Unsplash
Nadim Merrikh, Unsplash

For over 40 years the City's Service Sports has organized sports camps for young people aged 11 to 17 called Sport-Wochen. These activities take place during the summer holidays and last between 4 and 7 days (with or without overnight stays) either in Luxembourg or abroad in Netherlands and Austria.

The camp is designed for kids between 11 and 17 years old. Each program has a different price, across all programs, the cost ranges from 150 euros to 600 euros for Luxembourg City residents and from 200 euros to 800 euros for participants from other municipalities.

Aktioun Bambësch

The Aktioun Bambësch organization offers a range of activities for children, including outdoor and indoor games, creative, artistic and sporting activities, discovery walks and workshops, theatrical events, themed programs, and much more.

This city camp accepts kids from 4 to 11 years old and is provided free of charge. Activities run from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. In order to register, you need to fill out the registration form and send it by email to

Football Klinik Academy Camp

Klinik Academy website
Klinik Academy website

This Football Academy in Luxembourg offers sports camps for children throughout the school holidays. The camp’s program focuses on the basics of playing football, mastering skills, building teamwork and fitness. Children of several age groups are accepted to this sports camp — ages 4 to 5, ages 6 to 12 and ages 12 to 17.

Make sure to bring… art supplies! Because after the hot lunch kids sit down for an hour and draw together.

The camp program runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. There is an option for extended care for 15 euros per hour as well. The cost of the camp itself is 215 euros for five days without meals or 275 euros with lunch.

Luxembourg Hockey Club Summer Camp

Kenny Eliason, Unsplash
Kenny Eliason, Unsplash

Luxembourg Hockey Club organizes a summer camp for children to improve their technical skills and focus on tactical development. There are two groups — for children 5 to 9 years old and for children 10 years old to 15 years old.

Summer hockey camp is open in July and August, and operates every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost of the camp is 160-190 euros, but keep in mind, that there is no lunch included and kids should bring their own (healthy!) snacks.

You can sign up by filling up this form on the Hockey Club website.

Tennis Club in Bonnevoie Holidays Camp

TCB Facebook Page
TCB Facebook Page

Tennis Club Bonnevoie (TCB) is a tennis club located in the Bonnevoie district of Luxembourg City. It was founded in 1970 and has over 500 members. The club offers a variety of tennis activities for all ages and skill levels.

When it comes to summer camps for children, TCB organizes camps throughout the year during school holidays. There are different types of camps and all they cost accordingly to this somewhat luxury sport.

CampActivity typeWorking hoursCost
Intensive tennis campTennisfrom 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 to 6 p.m.435 euros
Tennis & Multi-activities campTennis, bricks, bowling, laser game, swimming pool, trampolinefrom 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 to 6 p.m.460 euros
Half-day morning tennis campTennisfrom 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 250 euros
Half-day afternoon tennis campTennisfrom 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.235 euros
Tennis camp & Bricks 4 KidzTennis, brick buildingfrom 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 to 4 p.m480 euros
Bricks 4 KidzBrick buildingfrom 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 to 5 p.m246 euros

The seasonal membership card is mandatory for participation in camps. The average cost of the membership card is 15 euros for children (under 18 years old) and 30 euros for adults.

Art summer programs for kids in Luxembourg

School holidays provide a great opportunity for children to evolve artistically. In Luxembourg, there are various programs and activities available for children to improve their abilities and discover their passion for the arts.

L'Ecole de Théâtre

Yiran Ding, Unsplash
Yiran Ding, Unsplash

L’ecole de Theatre offers numerous youth internships for children with no or little theatre experience during school holidays. The camps cover all the acting basics and have an emphasis on creativity and improvisation.

Children from the age of 8 to 15 years old can participate in this theater camp in Luxembourg. In order to sign up, fill up the registration form online. The cost of the camp program is 225 euros.

Sonya Soyer Art Classes

Sonja Soyer website
Sonja Soyer website

Sonya Soyer is an artist who runs art classes for children at her studio in English, French and German. Events for children here happen all year long, but there are also a number of special art workshops available during school holidays.

Tough, there is an age limit for participants: these art classes are for children from 6 years old to 12 years old. Each program has a different price, however, across all programs, the average cost is 360 euros.

To see the full list of master classes and register for them, visit the official website and use the contact form for a specific event.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long is summer break in Luxembourg

How many days of school are there in Luxembourg

When does school end in Luxembourg

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We took photos from these sources: LGS Facebook page Red Cross Luxembourgeoise Facebook Page FNEL website Young Caritas website Little Lions Website Skylar Zilka, Unsplash Robo Wunderkind, Unsplash Nadim Merrikh, Unsplash Klinik Academy website Kenny Eliason, Unsplash TCB Facebook Page Yiran Ding, Unsplash Sonja Soyer website

Authors: Asya, Daria
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