147 Liberty Steel Dudelange employees were left out of work

Ahmet Kurt, Unsplash
The bankruptcy of Liberty Steel Dudelange, declared on 29 November 2024, has left 147 employees in a difficult social and financial situation. Although a partial guarantee was paid in December for debts owed to employees, many families are still facing economic instability.
Administrative procedures for the payment of the remaining amounts were finalised last week, thanks to the support of the OGBL and LCGB unions. However, these guarantees do not cover all arrears.
An additional difficulty has been the unequal conditions for Luxembourg-based and cross-border workers. For the latter, the assistance received in Luxembourg is deducted from the unemployment benefits of their country of residence, resulting in reduced payments and delays. In addition, family allowance payments have been suspended for many employees, despite their legal entitlements.
Liberty Steel's financial collapse has left the Dudelange plant idle for two years. In January 2025, its future is to be decided: potential buyers must submit their offers by the end of the month. Several companies have already expressed interest, giving hope that the plant will restart operations and save jobs. However, the uncertainty continues to weigh heavily on employees, some of whom have already found new jobs.
The unions emphasise that preserving jobs must be a priority. Restoring the plant's operations is critical for both the workers and the region as a whole. The failure to find a new owner could symbolise a serious industrial catastrophe under the tacit supervision of the European institutions.
The syndicates are urging that all available resources be mobilised to attract a serious investor who can guarantee the reopening of the plant and the return of employees to their jobs.