
ADEM report reveals the most popular professions in Luxembourg

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ADEM report reveals the most popular professions in Luxembourg

According to the latest survey by the national employment agency ADEM, unemployment in Luxembourg has risen to 5.6%. The total number of job seekers on the employment exchange reached 17,000 in October 2023. These data allow several observations and conclusions to be drawn.

The largest increase in the number of unemployed is among qualified professionals. Most of them are university graduates and people under 30 years of age. This is despite the fact that Luxembourg is one of the leading countries in terms of the number of educated young people.

As for the professions themselves, the most significant growth has been in construction, finance and real estate, industry, information technology, accounting, and commerce. It is also important to note that not all of these occupations are equally in demand. Some industries, such as construction, are in crisis and simply cannot sustain their usual levels of employment.

Another important point is that employers regularly report that there are vacancies that are not being filled. This is usually due to the high standards required of candidates. However, this also makes many people think about changing their careers.

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Source: Chronicle

We took photos from these sources: Popular professions of Luxembourg, a guy and a girl looking at a tablet

Authors: Alex, Kadriia