
Dead souls: what happens to non-existent vacancies in Luxembourg

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MP Sven Clement asked the Luxembourg Ministry of Labour for information on Ghost Jobs - vacancies that are published but do not actually exist. Minister Georges Mischo's reply was published on 9 December 2024.

No reported cases

To date, the Ministry of Labour has not received any complaints or evidence of fictitious vacancies.

Legislative measures

There is no explicit prohibition or sanction in Luxembourg for the publication of such vacancies. However, if it violates fair competition, data protection rules or constitutes fraud, the Ministry can lodge a complaint with the public prosecutor's office.

Checking vacancies

The Employment Development Agency (ADEM) checks all vacancies to ensure that the employer is officially registered in Luxembourg and has the necessary authorisations.

Actions in case of doubt

If there are doubts about the authenticity of a vacancy, ADEM will contact the employer for clarification. If necessary, the vacancy can be deleted from the database.

Additional measures

As there are no complaints about Ghost Jobs, there are no plans to introduce additional measures at this time.

The Ministry of Labour is confident in the existing control mechanisms, but the issue of fictitious vacancies still requires attention to prevent possible abuses.

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