Luxembourg ranked third in the number of highly-skilled employees

According to the latest Eurostat data, there were around 80 million highly qualified employees in the EU in 2022. They represent 44.2% of the total number of employed people aged 25-64.
These workers are a vital part of the modern economy. They are the drivers of innovation and productivity growth. And while their total number across Europe is impressive, the numbers vary widely from country to country.
In 106 of the 241 regions studied, the rate was equal to or higher than the European average. In 53 regions of the EU, less than half of the workforce is in this category, with a higher proportion tending to be registered in the capital cities. This indicator is observed in 12 of the 14 EU countries.

The highest rates were recorded in Stockholm (Sweden, 73.6%), Utrecht (Netherlands, 68.9%), Luxembourg (67.4%) and Walloon Brabant (Belgium, 65.8%). These are followed by the capitals of Belgium, France, Lithuania, Hungary, Finland, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark and the Czech Republic, with figures ranging from 62.6% to 65.6%.
Luxembourg came third in the ranking. The positive dynamics of the Grand Duchy's labor market are also confirmed by the latest news: in the second quarter of this year, Luxembourg recorded the strongest growth in the number of employed people in the EU — 1.3%.
Obviously, rural and peripheral regions as well as former industrial centers showed the lowest index in this ranking. In 2022, there will be 24 regions in the EU with a share of less than 29.5% of highly qualified workers. They are mainly located in the south-eastern part of Europe: 10 regions in Greece, 6 regions in Romania, and 4 regions in Bulgaria.
The Greek regions of Sterea Hellas (21.8%) and Ionia Nisia (22.3%) and the Romanian region of Sud-Muntia (22.8%) recorded the lowest shares of highly qualified workers.

Read more about the labor market in Luxembourg in our Knowledge Library: