Petition for two days of telework a week collects 14 000 signatures

The petition has been collecting signatures since July. The first 4 500 of them have been accumulated in less than a day. Now the petition signing has been officially closed. And 14 000 people are demanding the right to two days of telework a week.
The signatures are yet to be checked for duplicates by the Chamber of Deputies. For the petition not to be discussed officially, at least 9 501 of the signatures must be invalid. Such a scenario is, of course, unlikely. Howeverr, this doesn’t mean that a law corresponding to it will be adopted.
Separate difficulties will arise with cross-border workers. Many people from neighboring countries work in Luxembourg. The Grand Duchy provides them with social insurance. But only if the employee is present at the workplace at least 75% of the working time. If foreigners spend two out of five working days a week at home, their social insurance will fall on the shoulders of their native country, and not Luxembourg.
This alignment is less beneficial for both the employees themselves and for the employers. Therefore, the creator of the petition proposes to revise the current norm in favor of mutual well-being and benefit.