Health insurance fund ended the year with a surplus
In 2023, 953,854 people were insured under the health and maternity insurance program, an increase of almost 2% compared to 2022, according to the annual report of the National Health Insurance Fund (CNS). More than a third (36%) of those insured did not live in Luxembourg, a figure that has remained stable in recent years.
The income of the sickness and maternity insurance scheme amounted to 4.304 billion euros (+10.1%) and the expenditure to 4.203 billion euros (+6.4%), ending the year with a surplus of 100.1 million euros. This is good news after two years of deficits (-41.6 million euros in 2022 and -55.7 million euros in 2021). The total reserve now stands at 961.7 million euros, or 22.9% of annual recurrent expenditure.
The CNS paid out 3.5 billion euros for benefits in kind, of which 595 million euros went abroad. In Luxembourg, 2.9 billion euros were paid, including 1.35 billion euros for inpatient care and 595.3 million euros for medical services.
In 2023, the CNS received 948,458 certificates of incapacity for work, 8.6% fewer than in 2022. This decrease is due to a reduction in the number of Covid-related certificates (-80% for the patients themselves and -100% for their families). However, the number of non-Covid-related sickness certificates increased by 7.1% and the number of sickness certificates for family reasons increased (+4.6%).