
In 2023, Electra terminals will offer fast 20-minute charges for electric cars

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In 2023, Electra terminals will offer fast 20-minute charges for electric cars

Fast electric charge terminals by a French startup Electra will appear in Luxembourg as early as next year. Electra, which has recently raised 160 million euros in funding, is partnering with Bepark, a parking lot company.

According to representatives of Electra, Bepark is well-versed in the peculiarities of car ownership. And are ready to help optimize the French project for the Grand Duchy. In Luxembourg, the company plans to open 150 charging terminals by 2030. And in the Benelux — up to 1500 stations.

All charging points will be located close to supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, cities and communities. The underground parking options have already been excluded. For quick access, all charging points must be on the surface.

An important part of the business model is fast charging. The company’s gas stations will have terminals with a capacity of 50 to 225 kilowatts. It’ll be possible to charge the car battery by 80% in just 20 minutes.

Each kilowatt per hour at an Electra filling station will cost about 0.6 euros. The first charging terminal will open next spring. Electricity used for charging will be produced in and bought from France.

Read more: Where and how to charge an electric car in Luxembourg

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Source: Paperjam

Authors: Danila