Testing of the LU-Alert public address and information system for the population

Alexander Mils, Unsplash
On Monday, 3 March 2025, the government will continue its strategy of testing the LU-Alert alert system. As part of the monthly test, the siren network will be tested and SMS alerts will be sent to residents of selected communes.
The test SMS signal will be sent out in Leudelange, Reckange-sur-Mess, Mondercange, Schifflange and Esch-sur-Alzette. This time, the Grand Ducal Police Corps is responsible for sending out the messages and will send a test warning to citizens. The same message will appear on the "LU-Alert" mobile app and on the system's official website www.lu-alert.lu.
It is important to note that the "LU-Alert" does not require registration: the message will be received by all mobile devices connected to the network of one of the Luxembourg operators at the time the alert is sent. As this is only a test, no action is required from the public.