Three ministers launch a pilot project competition for the construction of agro power plants

Energy Minister Claude Turmes, Agriculture Minister Claude Haagen and Environment Minister Joëlle Welfring announced the launch of tenders for the construction of agro power plants. New technologies will help to combine renewable energy sources with agricultural production.
This is an important stage in Luxembourg’s transition to «green energy», since the country focuses on solar panels. Many farmers already have photovoltaic installations ready to be transformed into full-blown agro power plants. Cooperation with them will spur interest in green development. According to Claude Haagen, “These agricultural lands must remain primarily dedicated to sustainable food production. Then they will still be eligible for the assistance provided by the agricultural policy.”
Protecting the environment and building infrastructure for future projects also remain priorities for the ministries. Therefore, pilot applications that will be included in the tender will be very closely evaluated. There are 4 categories in total:
- pastures used for fodder production;
- pastures used for livestock (including poultry);
- arable land for all crops;
- land for special crops.
To be successful, a project submitted for tender must be effective, leave pastures ready for further agricultural work, and comply with environmental standards. Applications will be accepted until August 1, 2023.