
Luxembourg to hold legislative elections this autumn

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Luxembourg to hold legislative elections this autumn

Every five years, elections are held for the Chamber of Deputies, which is Luxembourg's parliament. This year, they coincided with the re-election of the municipal deputies, the mayors and the aldermen. When this happens, a lesser event is postponed until early summer. That's what happened: the municipal elections were on 11 June.

The parliamentary elections are similar to the municipal elections, but there are some important differences. The first is that only full citizens have the right to be a voter. In the municipal elections, the authorities used to say that "every person living there has to be allowed to vote". But the system at the national level is different when it comes to legislative elections.

In addition, you have to be of full age and have no criminal record in order to be able to vote. It is also important to be allowed to live in Luxembourg. Voters can vote by post if they are not in the country at the time of the election.

Elections to the Chamber of Deputies will be held on October 8. This has been confirmed on the official website of the government.

The legislative election process

Citizens will vote for 60 members of the Chamber of Deputies — National Parliament. It is important to say that legislative elections are compulsory for all citizens.

In the legislative elections, all voters registered on the electoral lists may vote by post. If you are unable to vote, you must explain the reason for your absence to the local public prosecutor's office and provide the necessary documents. You will be fined if you have no reason. Each time you miss an election, the fine increases.

Persons with criminal convictions, persons who have been disenfranchised by a court decision and adults under guardianship or supervision have no voting rights.

To vote, people go to the main polling station in the municipality where they live. Opening hours are usually from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m on election day. To vote, you need an identity card or passport. You can vote for an individual candidate or for the whole list. You have as many votes as there are deputies to be elected in the constituency. You are also allowed to vote for different candidates from different lists, just look carefully at the number of votes you give. You will not have an additional vote.

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We took photos from these sources: Parliament, audience, elections

Authors: Kadriia, Aleksandr