
Luxembourgers travel more by car than by plane

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Luxembourgers travel more by car than by plane

More than half of the residents of the Grand Duchy (54%) travel by car. At the same time, only 35% of all Luxembourgers travel by air. This figure is much lower than in 2019. At that time it was 41%.

According to the statistics, the share of air travel has not only not recovered from the pandemic. It has fallen back to the level of 1998. At the same time, the number of passengers is increasing. The reason for this connection can be found in the growth of the population and the increase in the number of people who are traveling abroad.

The most popular destinations, apart from France, are still Italy and Portugal. 43% of trips to Italy and 21% to Portugal were made by car only. Perhaps a holiday feels fuller and richer after a tiring day behind the wheel?

The cost of travel is another important aspect of choosing a form of travel. If the car is a clear choice, then the train loses out to the plane in terms of ticket price and speed, although it remains more environmentally friendly.

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Source: L'Essentiel

We took photos from these sources: car, mountains, traveling, sky, grass, greenery

Authors: Kadriia, Aleksandr