
Pickpocketing in Luxembourg transport: be on your guard

Last time updated
Карманные кражи в Люксембурге

Yunus Tuğ, Unsplash

Luxembourg police have reported a significant increase in pickpocketing on public transport, especially trams. The thieves operate cleverly, taking advantage of rush-hour crowds or distracted passengers. According to police officials, "victims often do not realise the loss until much later".

To protect yourself, police recommend the following precautions:

  • Beware of crowds: keep your distance from strangers whenever possible.
  • Stay focused: don't let those around you distract your attention with conversations or other manoeuvres.
  • Place things correctly: it is better to keep your phone and wallet in the inside pockets of your clothes rather than in your bag or the outside pockets of your trousers.
  • Bag control: carry your bag tight against your body, with the closed lock closest to you.

Trams and buses during rush hour are a favourite spot for pickpockets, so it's important not to show off the contents of your wallet and avoid unnecessarily showing off your phone.

Simple precautions can keep your belongings safe, even in crowded traffic. Remember, mindfulness is your best ally in the fight against street theft.

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We took photos from these sources: Yunus Tuğ, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr