
High-speed cycle route between Luxembourg and Esch: project PC104 in progress

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Bicycles in Luxemborg

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Luxembourg's Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, led by Yuriko Backes, has unveiled details of the Vëloexpresswee PC104 project, which will form part of an expanded national network of cycling routes. The route will connect the capital to Esch-sur-Alzette and strengthen the region's infrastructure connectivity.

PC104 is included in the current law on the cycleway network and will affect the configuration of existing routes. The project includes connections to existing or planned routes:

  • The PC10 route (Oberkorn - Leudelange - Zessingen) will be adapted to the new line;
  • Route PC6a (Schifflange - Steebrécken) will receive a connection in the Steebrécken area;
  • The junctions with routes PC6 and PC38 (Monnerich - Esch-sur-Alzette) will also be upgraded when the A4-A13 interchange at Foetz is reconstructed.

The section of PC104 along the Micheville Highway (B40) near Belval has already been designed, with construction work between the Ramerich interchange and the Crassier zone in Monnerich starting in early 2025.

Special attention is paid to the quality of the routes. It is important that cycle routes are clearly recognisable in the urban environment and are not suddenly cut off. For this reason, a uniform signage system, including floor markings and signalling boards, is being introduced throughout the country. This is particularly important in areas where cycling and pedestrian routes run alongside each other.

Pictograms on the pavement will be used at transition points between different types of infrastructure. In addition, following the example of foreign countries, Luxembourg will start using red coloured pavements to visually separate cycling routes from motorways and pavements to improve the safety of all road users.

Information on cycle routes is available on the geoportail.lu platform (section Verkéiersnetzer) and in the mobiliteit.lu app, where it is already possible to create routes with the cycle network in mind. If there is no separate infrastructure along a particular route, the system will offer standard motorway travel.

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Authors: Aleksandr