
The Luxembourg Circus will be delighting guests until 5 January

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Цирк в Люксембурге

Fellipe Ditadi, Unsplash

Cirque du Lux invites Luxembourg residents and guests to the Christmas Wintercircus, which will start on 8 December and run until 5 January at the Glacis in the capital. The organisers promise that the show will offer an unforgettable atmosphere full of magic and adrenaline.

What's in store for the audience?

  • Flying Michaels will surprise with the most complicated stunts in the air.
  • Duo Shock will make the audience freeze on his "Wheel of Death".
  • Team Nogueira will give the audience a colourful show inside the Globe of Death.

The show includes not only circus acts but also elements of theatre and music, making the performance ideal for families to attend.

In the arena, spectators can expect popcorn flavours, festive chants and Father Christmas himself, who will make several special appearances. The organisers promise that the atmosphere will be even warmer than at Christmas markets.

The circus will stay in the capital until 5 January. Tickets can be purchased online or on site at the box office.

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Source: VDL

We took photos from these sources: Fellipe Ditadi, Unsplash

Authors: Alex