Luxembourg votes against the annexation of Ukrainian territories along with 142 other UN representatives

On Wednesday, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that calls on countries to not acknowledge Russian referenda and annexation of four Ukrainian regions as legitimate. The resolution also recognizes Ukraine within its internationally approved borders. It was adopted with an overwhelming majority of votes. Luxembourg was among the countries voting in favor of the resolution.
142 other countries voted for the adoption of the resolution, including Hungary and Serbia, who are usually more supportive of Russia than other European states. Only 4 countries supported Russia and voted against the resolution: the Republic of Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Nicaragua. Several states abstained, including Armenia, China and Kazakhstan.

The original proposal to hold an anonymous ballot was rejected. The representatives decided that this could set a dangerous precedent. Therefore, all countries voted publically. It is possible that in a secret ballot the spread of votes would have been slightly different.