
Foot-and-mouth disease back in Europe: Luxembourg strengthens veterinary controls

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Cows, cattle in Luxembourg, MKS

Stijn te Strake, Unsplash

Following the January case in Germany, outbreaks of highly contagious foot-and-mouth disease (Maul- und Klauenseuche, MKS) have now been confirmed in Hungary and Slovakia. The disease poses a serious threat to agriculture as it spreads rapidly among cows, pigs, sheep and goats, including wild and zoo animals.

In Luxembourg, where restrictions on animal movements have not yet been introduced, the Veterinary and Food Authority (ALVA) is calling on all animal owners to immediately check and strengthen their biosecurity measures. Particular attention is being paid to those who purchase animals from regions with confirmed outbreaks.

The disease often goes unnoticed in adult animals, allowing the virus to spread covertly. However, the main signs include:

  • temperature rise
  • lethargy and refusal to feed
  • painful vesicles and erosions in the mouth, on hooves and udder

ALVA asks farmers to immediately report suspicions to a veterinarian, avoid contact with animals from other farms, limit access to outsiders and only purchase livestock from verified sources with a veterinary certificate.

On 7 March 2025, Hungarian veterinary authorities reported the first case in Győr-Moszón-Szopron, near the Austrian border. Later, on 26 March, a second case was confirmed on a 3,000-head dairy farm in the municipality of Levél.

In Slovakia, four cases were detected between 21 and 25 March - all in the southern part of the country, close to the zone originally established after the Hungarian outbreak.

Interestingly, the virus strain detected in Hungary and Slovakia is completely different from the German strain confirmed in January. This suggests independent outbreaks that are not directly linked.

Although no infections have been detected so far in Luxembourg, the economic risks from the possible entry of the virus are high, both for agriculture and for exports. ALVA continues to monitor the epidemiological situation and animal movements, especially from Eastern Europe.

The virus is not dangerous for humans: consumption of milk or meat from infected animals does not pose a threat. However, it is animals and animal products that remain the main vector for the spread of the virus.

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We took photos from these sources: Stijn te Strake, Unsplash

Authors: Alex