Esch-sur-Alzette breaks unemployment records

Фото: KOBU Agency на Unspash
Unemployment statistics for Luxembourg's regions are regularly collected by Statec. These data are then made available to the Ministry of Employment for analysis and decision-making. As of March 31, 2024, there were 17,654 officially unemployed people, or 5.6% of the active population.
The canton of Esch-sur-Alzette has the highest unemployment rate at 6.46%. The canton itself includes three municipalities with some of the highest unemployment rates in the country. These are Esch proper (8.97%), Differdange (7.42%) and Rumelange (7.71%). Similar communes are located at the other end of the country - in the north: these are Wilz and Vianden, which can "boast" 7.74% and 7.11% of unemployed, respectively.
The lowest unemployment rates are found in the communes of Heffingen and Reckange-sur-Mess. Only 1.5% and 2.04% respectively. The capital, however, despite having the richest labor market, does not boast outstanding employment rates. 5.44% of Luxembourg's inhabitants are unable to exercise their talents.