Boulevard de Kyiv opens in Luxembourg

On Thursday, August 18, the mayor of Luxembourg, Lydie Polfer, officially opened a new federal road N3 / N40 — Boulevard de Kyiv. The road opened in the Bonnevoie area.
According to Lydie Polfer, the opening of Boulevard de Kyiv is a sign of solidarity between the Grand Duchy and Ukraine. Kyiv’s mayor Vitali Klitschko has sent a letter addressed to the Luxembourgers to the mayor’s office the day before the opening. In it, he thanked the residents and the leadership of the city for the fact that they have «built the strongest bridge between Kyiv and Luxembourg — the bridge of human hearts.»
About 70 guests watched the opening of the new road, most of them were Ukrainians.
Previously, the road was planned to be called Boulevard de Kiev, but after public outrage, the Russian transliteration was replaced with native the Ukrainian one.