Car travel getting too costly. Is there going to be a fixed travel costs index?

Petrol prices in the Grand Duchy continue to rise. After the fuel discount was abolished, traveling around Luxembourg by car has become much more expensive. Parliament addressed the Minister of Finance Yuriko Backes with a question. Is the ministry going to index fixed travel costs? The current amounts paid will soon not be enough to buy gasoline for a work trip.
The minister answered unequivocally: no. Backes explained that the state has been investing in a quality public transportation system for years. Now trains and trams in Luxembourg are fast and accessible to everyone. She has also noted that public transport in the country became free in March 2020. Public transportation, it seems, is deemed enough of a solution for cutting work travel costs.
In addition, the minister said that a fixed travel costs index is expensive for the state. It will cost the budget more than 350 million euros each year this measure is implemented.