
How to recieve more money for your child

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How to recieve more money for your child

Low-income households may receive additional payments on top of the basic child benefits.

For example, if a child goes to kindergarten, parents may be exempted from paying for it. The main benefits have increased in July to 299 euros per family. However, one of the important conditions for receiving money is official employment. Experts from Trier will talk about this and other issues in the series of lectures on family benefits for families with children «Child Benefit — More Money for Families with Children».

Lectures start on September 27th. Students will use concrete examples to consider various situations in which a parent may find himself. And lecturing experts will help with recommendations on job search and self-presentation. Participation is free, but pre-registration is required. This can be done by email: Trier.bca@arbeitsagentur.de.

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