Luxembourg has not met all anti-corruption requirements

The Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) assessed Luxembourg's anti-corruption work among politicians, judges and prosecutors in 2013. The result was considered unsatisfactory overall. The organization made 14 recommendations to the country to improve the situation.
To date, GRECO has noted positive dynamics and achievement of its goals in 13 out of 14 points. The remaining area is the introduction of an effective system of monitoring and sanctions for violations of the rules of the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament.
Since 2017, when GRECO established the monitoring of the implementation of the recommendations, the Grand Duchy has made significant progress in addressing these issues and curbing irregularities. However, the measures taken so far against MPs are insufficient. In particular, the authenticity of the declarations has not been verified and details of the means of parliamentary control have not been provided.
It has not yet been announced whether sanctions will be imposed on Luxembourg or whether the country will simply be asked to speed up the preparation of regulatory instruments.