School integration must be improved

The integration system in Luxembourg's schools is not working as intended, Education Minister Claude Meisch told journalists. This is a very important aspect because Luxembourg is the only country in the world that has such a diversity of nationalities.
Each year, up to 4,000 foreign children are admitted to the school system in the country. The state gives high priority to their proper and successful integration into the process and society. It is essential for new pupils to learn and interact with other children.
The School Integration Service (SIA) is currently being set up. It will provide information to children and their parents, and follow them up for two years.
In Luxembourg, children are taught in Luxembourg, French or German, with instruction in the other 2 languages also forming part of the curriculum. Education is free and compulsory from 4 to 16 years. But parents can choose a paid private school to attend.
Some, such as Vauban, a private school in Luxembourg authorised by the French Ministry of Education, offer a full cycle of education. Children can start with nursery, move on to primary and secondary school, and eventually obtain a French diploma.
In order to facilitate the integration of foreign children, Luxembourg has specialised services. For inctsnce, Department of Schooling for Foreign Children (Service de la Scolarisation des Enfants Etrangers — SECAM) offers a wide range of information. School reception unit for newly arrived pupils (Cellule d'Accueil Scolaire pour Elèves Nouveaux Arrivants — CASNA) works with children and young people between the ages of 12 and 24 who have just arrived in the Grand Duchy and who wish to continue their education after primary school.