The cheapest gas and electricity are in Luxembourg

Comparing the average annual costs of gas and electricity in Luxembourg, the costs in the Grand Duchy are lower than in Belgium, Germany, France and the Netherlands. However, it is important to take into account government support.
The electricity bill in Luxembourg is 788 euro for a fictitious annual consumption of 3500 kWh. By way of comparison, the bill in Belgium is already at 1623 euros.
The same applies to the gas bill. A family with an annual consumption of 1,545 cubic metres has a bill of 'only' 1,680 euros. The Germans pay 2,398 euros and the Netherlands even more — 3,582 euros.
Thanks to the active help of the government, such figures are possible. For example, the government helps people with electricity subsidies. It also undertakes the maintenance of the gas mains, which considerably reduces the burden on ordinary people.
There has been news that there will be a prolongation of the support measures until the end of 2024. The Minister for Energy, Claude Turmes said this in parliament in early January 2023. He presented plans to reduce energy consumption and switch to new energy sources.
The state is still subsidising gas and wood pellets, encouraging the use of electric cars and compensating companies for the cost of heating oil.
Solar panels are also included. The photovoltaic industry is developing so fast that Luxembourg is unable to keep up with the demand. In November last year, the Luxembourg government launched a programme to support solar energy infrastructure projects.
The State promised to reimburse those who bid for the money invested. The total amount was more than 16 million euros. The cost of all the projects is estimated at 44 million euros. More than 100 applications were received. Only 85 fully met the requirements and passed the selection round.
Photovoltaics is not only environmentally friendly. It also has the potential to free large consumers from the need to use fossil fuels.