
In Luxembourg, the Impuls project aimed at promoting sport in municipalities has been finalised

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Спорт в Люксембурге

Ahmed, Unsplash

The Impuls project, launched in Luxembourg with the support of the Ministry of Sport, the National Institute for Physical Activity (INAPS) and the Olympic Committee (COSL), came to an end on 25 January. At the final event, the "Impuls-Event", the results were summarised and new initiatives were announced. The main objective of the project is to integrate sport and physical activity into the daily life of municipalities through coordination, networking and co-development.

The programme was based on three modules:

  • "Erhiewen" - analysing the current situation and identifying needs in sport.
  • "Vernetzen" - creating a network of interaction between different sports organisations and municipal structures.
  • "Gestalten" - the joint development and realisation of new sports initiatives.

For the long-term effect of the project, a portal "Däi Guide & Däi Portal fir lokal Sport- & Beweegungsfërderung" was created to help municipalities implement sports programmes on a local level.

Four municipalities - Clairvaux, Niederanwen, Grevenmacher and Roser - were pilot participants in the project. They shared their experience of implementing the initiatives, discussing best practices and challenges. The final forum brought together 51 communes and more than 150 participants, indicating a high level of interest in the topic. The main leitmotif of the event was: "Only together we can succeed".

The Minister of Sport, Georges Mischo, said that Impuls was the basis for a major new project, Meng Gemeng lieft Sport, which will be launched in 2024. Its main objective is to strengthen the sports infrastructure at the municipal level and to develop coordination between sports organisations, local authorities and citizens.

The Luxembourg Ministry of Sport has significantly increased the funding for sports coordinators at local level. While in 2023 a single amount was allocated for this purpose, by 2025 the budget will increase by more than 400 per cent. The authorities intend to continue funding in the future, strengthening sports infrastructure across the country.

At the end of February, the first official signing ceremony of the "Meng Gemeng lieft Sport" charter with the municipalities will take place. This will be the next step towards the systemic development of sport in Luxembourg.

The Impuls project was thus the starting point for the transformation of the country's sports policy. Luxembourg is actively investing in sport as a key element of the social and urban environment, creating accessible conditions for physical activity at all levels.

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We took photos from these sources: Ahmed, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr