
4258 people died in Luxembourg in 2023

Last time updated
Laurynas Me, Unsplash

Laurynas Me, Unsplash

In 2023, there are 4,258 deaths in Luxembourg, of which 2,054 are male and 2,204 female. Compared to 2022, this represents a decrease of 25 cases. The average age of the deceased is 75 years for men and 81 years for women.

During the year, an average of 12 deaths were recorded per day, equivalent to 82 per week and 355 per month. The most tragic month was January (447 deaths), and the quietest month was July (301 cases).

Separately, an increase in stillbirths was recorded - 80 in 2023 compared to 71 in 2022. These data are not included in the overall mortality statistics.

Most of the deaths occurred in health care facilities:

  • 53.3% - in hospitals,
  • 26.8% are in nursing homes,
  • 17.1% - at home,
  • 2.8% elsewhere.

The main causes of death in Luxembourg remain cancer and cardiovascular diseases, accounting for 51.8% of all deaths (51.5% in 2022).

Cancer claimed 1105 lives (533 women and 572 men), accounting for 25.9 per cent of all deaths. This is slightly more than in 2022 (1,099 cases, or 25.7%). In men, the most commonly diagnosed cancers were lung cancer (113 deaths), prostate cancer (52), pancreatic cancer (38) and liver and bile duct cancer (38). In women, the leading cause of cancer deaths was breast cancer (82 cases), followed by lung cancer (71) and pancreatic cancer (46).

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the second cause of death. In 2023, 1,100 people (592 women and 508 men) died from them, accounting for 25.8 per cent of all deaths. This figure has remained virtually unchanged since 2022 (1104 cases).

Mortality in Luxembourg in 2023 is virtually unchanged from the previous year. The main causes remain cancer and heart disease. Although the figures are generally stable, the increase in the number of stillbirths requires separate analysis.

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Last time updated

We took photos from these sources: Laurynas Me, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr