How much will LuxChat cost?

LuxChat, an instant messaging service, will soon be launched in Luxembourg. Demand for it was undeniable – there has been no unified communication tool in the public sector before.
The one-time cost of the project realization will be 630,000 euros for the launching of the application itself. Operational costs of 550,000 to 725,000 euros will follow afterward depending on the number of active users. A total of 4,340,789 euros has been budgeted for LuxChat operations from 2022 to 2028.
Access for the public sector should be available in the second quarter of this year. But the general users will only gain access to the app in the third quarter of 2023.
On 16 November 2022, Marc Hansen, Minister Delegate for Digitalisation, announced on the second day of the "Luxembourg Internet Days 2022" the launch in the coming months of a brand new instant messaging service called "Luxchat", entirely developed and hosted in Luxembourg.