Jean Asselborn formulated the concepts for Luxembourg»s foreign policy for 2023

In his speech to Parliament, Jean Asselborn focused on the ongoing war in Ukraine and its impact on the European way of life. The minister also stressed that the flared up conflict will definitely leave its mark on Russia, Ukraine, Europe and the rest of the world.
The war itself led to a paradigm shift in foreign policy. In particular, Luxembourg, for the first time in its history, provided weapons and equipment to those already at war. In addition, the Grand Duchy fully supports the EU sanctions and will help the refugees.
Another consequence of the war was the acceleration of the EU economies’ transition to autonomy from Russian fuel. This is consistent with long-term plans for the use of «green» energy. However, full implementation is still far away.
The minister’s speech was not a short one, in fact, it took impressive amount of time. Russia was the main focus. That’s understandable — it’s now one of the biggest threats to security and well-being on the European continent. Nevertheless, Asselborn did not forget about other problems the planet’s facing.
Jean Asselborn formulated concepts and strategies for interaction with the United States, the Middle East, China and other states. The full text of the speech can be found on the government website.