
What is the highest point in Luxembourg

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What is the highest point in Luxembourg

Luxembourg lies on a plain and, due to its small size, does not have significant differences in relief. However, this does not mean that the country is completely flat. In fact, the highest point in the Grand Duchy is rising (don't laugh) 560 metres above sea level.

Yes, not much, but still pretty good for a flat country. This point is located in the north of the country on the Kneiff hill in the commune of Troyavierges. But that's not all. By mistake, the highest point on the map is another hill — Burgplatz.

The castle square is also in Trévire and is 559 metres high, just over a metre less than its neighbour — Kneiff hill. To be precise, the height of the hill is 558.35 metres. That's what the sign next to the water tower says. Perhaps it is this water tower that gives this place its visual grandeur and also misleads tourists.

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We took photos from these sources: Peak, top, height, hill

Authors: Kadriia