Paulette Lenert remains Luxembourgers favorite politician

So says Politmonitor, the rating of Luxembourg politicians by the level of voters’ love. The rating was commissioned by Luxemburger Wort and RTL and compiled by Ilres. It is based on the responses of 1072 Luxembourgers over 18 years old. The survey was conducted on November 7-14. Respondents were asked to choose their favorites from 42 popular Luxembourgish politicians.
Paulette Lenert first topped the rankings back in 2020. Back then she faced the covid epidemic as the Minister of Health. Lenert has held the top spot ever since, despite criticism from the Association of Physicians and Dentists (AMMD) and the gradual fading of the Covid-related themes from public mind. According to the latest poll, 79% of Luxembourgers rate Paulette Lenert positively.
The previous survey took place six months ago. Since that moment, not only the first place, but the entire top-3 has been preserved. In second place is the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn (Socialist Workers’ Party) at 75% popularity. Prime Minister Xavier Bettel (Democratic Party) takes the third spot with 72% positive rating.
The rest of the Politmonitor rating looks like this:
- Lydie Polfer of the Democratic Party — 64%.
- Sven Klement of the Pirate Party — 60%.
- Taina Bofferding of the Socialist Workers’ Party — 53%.
- Claude Wiseler of the Christian Social People’s Party — 51%.
- Lex Delles of the Democratic Party — 50%.
- Sam Tanson of the Green Party — 49%.
- Yuriko Backes of the Democratic Party — 46%.
Environment Minister Joëlle Welfring (Green Party) increased the result the most in six months: from 25 to 31%. However, this did not help her get into the top-10.
The lowest rating belongs to Fred Keup of the Alternative Democratic Reform Party. He has increased his approval rate from 14% to 19% in six months, but is still the most disliked Luxembourgian politician in the poll.